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Remote Work

L'Oréal CEO claims remote workers lack passion and creativity

During his recent speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, L’Oréal CEO Nicolas Hieronimus raised controversial opinions regarding the long-term viability and efficiency of policies allowing employees to work remotely. The continuing discussion over the post-pandemic future of workplaces benefits greatly from his viewpoint.

Remote agents and the future of flexible work

The last few years have seen the rise of the remote agent and remote work. Are these here to stay? What does the future hold? We examine the trends and benefits of employing remote agents, along with some of the challenges. The surge of remote work since the COVID-19 pandemic has created new attitudes toward employment. Forbes recently found that 98% of employees want to work remotely at least some of the time, showing just how popular flexible work environments are.

8 Strategies to Build a High Performing WFH Team

The trend for remote working is getting popular even after we have come a long way from the pandemic era. BBC study has indicated that 44% of employees prefer working from home and WFH team are seeking similar opportunities in the future as well. This depicts that the future of remote working is going nowhere. Now that organizations have identified the importance of remote working, handling the WFH team can be a core challenge when it comes to developing a high-performing team.

Bosses strongly prefer remote work, yet they are still urging employees to return to the office.

A recent survey conducted by software company Checkr indicates an unexpected development in the remote work debate: 68% of managers, including CEOs, middle managers, and business owners, favor remote work, compared to just 48% of workers. In spite of this, many businesses continue to enforce return-to-office (RTO) policies.

Promoting work-life balance in the era of remote work

We’re now several years from the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, but remote and hybrid working models are seemingly here to stay. Many companies favor these flexible work models thanks to their wide range of benefits, including lower attrition, more engaged employees, and lower operating costs. But while remote work offers employees greater flexibility and control, it also presents unique work-life balance challenges as the line between work and personal life blurs.

The Ultimate Work From Home Toolkit

Have you ever wondered what it takes to make remote work feasible, highly efficient, and productive? A well-equipped Work From Home Toolkit becomes paramount as the boundaries between office and home blur. This blog explores “The Ultimate Work From Home Toolkit,” a curated collection designed to elevate your remote workforce management experience.

Office or Remote work - What boosts employee productivity

Remote or office - Where employees are more productive? Let’s explore with wAnywhere monitoring tool. Once adopted to navigate work continuity challenges, remote work has now become an effective alternative to office work. Discover which of the work modes has an upper hand over the other.

Maximizing Remote Work Efficiency: Tips For HR Managers

How can HR managers navigate the complex landscape of remote work and harness its full potential for organizational success? As the workforce continues to embrace flexible arrangements, the role of HR in ensuring optimal efficiency has never been more crucial. This blog is written to answer this question by offering targeted insights, incorporating pertinent statistics, and providing practical strategies.