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June 2020

How Cybercrime Has Flourished From the Shift to Remote Work

The full article by Morten Brøgger was originally published in June, 2020 for Tool Box. The COVID-19 outbreak has forced many businesses to quickly find ways to digitize operations and implement mass remote work. However, as companies continue to grapple with keeping high levels of connectivity and productivity, cyberattacks have increased by an estimated 400%. The scramble to provide solutions for employees working remotely created a boom in collaboration platforms.

"I'm happy coming back, as long as nobody else does"

When the Coronavirus pandemic hit and the world went into lockdown, as many as one-half to one-third of workers in the United States began working from home full-time. Some people have loved it, but others have felt lonely, unproductive, and stressed while working from home with kids. As we’ve learned more about the virus and states have published reopening plans, many knowledge workers in the U.S. are ready (or being asked) to return to work.

Get over the Pandemic standstill: Leapfrog with Digital Assistants that enable business continuity during COVID-19

Ah, yes. “I’m working from home today.” Just thinking about saying this (before all the COVID drama started) makes one genuinely happy. While everyone’s at the office, you get to enjoy a day or two taking work-from-home — relaxing a bit, sipping a cup of coffee, as you work at your own pace, without anyone looking over your shoulder, listening to some music on your TV or smart speaker. But now, what you used to enjoy occasionally, has become your daily routine.

Remote Work Productivity Survey

In a survey of 500 business decision-makers in the UK on productivity and remote security, we have found that despite little time to prepare, over half (53%) say they’ve seen either an increase or no change in the productivity of office workers since lockdown measures were enacted across the UK in March. Only 13% of business decision-makers reported a significant decrease in productivity, while 25% reported a slight decrease in productivity.

Remote Meetings and Workshops in Miro

Join Miro experts Lindsey Meredith and Matt Mulholland as they walk through how to facilitate engaging online workshops and meetings in Miro. In this training, you'll learn how to set up Miro boards for collaborative workshops, use facilitation tools to manage and engage attendees, onboard participants in advance of your event, manage access rights and permissions and choose the right plan for your business or event.

What Does Fully Remote Work Mean (2020 Guide)

Ever since COVID-19 hit, there’s been a sharp rise in remote working. And that’s resulted in tons of remote work articles and telecommuting tools popping up. But with all this information out there, one question remains: What does fully remote work mean? Don’t worry, we’ll answer that in this article. We’ll cover the various kinds of remote work, its advantages and disadvantages and even where you can find remote work.

How to Stay Productive Working from Home

Want to stay productive working from home? You’re not alone. Recent global events have only accelerated what we saw across several predictions and studies: that remote work and working from home would soon be a new normal for the majority of the labor force. However, because the shift to remote work was so sudden because of the rapid spread of COVID-19, many employers might not have been able to help their employees transition seamlessly for work from the office to work from home.

The Wrong Way and the Right Way to Deploy a Remote Workforce

In an era where more people are working remotely than at literally any point up until now, it’s safe to say that business leaders all over are suddenly forcing themselves to learn a lot about how to manage these new remote workforces that they find themselves in charge of.

Tips to Run Engaging Virtual Brainstorming Sessions With Remote Teams

New ideas and approaches are the lifeblood of modern businesses. Today’s commercial world is faster moving than ever before. Organizations must be agile and forward-thinking to stay on top. That’s why firms of all shapes and sizes love brainstorming sessions. Engaging brainstorming sessions help companies get the most from their workforce. They provide an arena in which inspiration can strike.

How To Create A Work From Home Policy (2020 Guide)

Planning to create a work from home policy for your company? As COVID-19 has forced most businesses to go remote, creating an effective work from home policy is as important as ever. It’s going to give your employees guidelines over what they’re expected to do and how they’re expected to do it. It’ll also give them some much-needed structure to help them navigate their work during this time.

How the new normal will change company culture for good

Last night I dreamt I was back in the office for the first time. Our long communal tables in the kitchen were gone. My desk was surrounded on all sides by plexiglass – including overhead, which, for a guy my height, means stooped shoulders and a future riddled with chiropractic appointments. Nobody talked to each other except over Slack. The smell of disinfectant was inescapable. I couldn’t wait to go back home. Or at least, wake up.