Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management

January 2020

Remote Work Salary - An In-House and Remote Work Comparison

Recently, working remotely has grown dramatically in popularity primarily because it gives workers a lot more freedom and saves companies money. However, is this just a trend that will soon dissipate, or is it here to stay? The numbers speak for themselves. Remote work will soon become the new norm, as per a report from GetApp the number of people working remotely on a weekly basis has grown by nearly 400% in the last decade.

How to Motivate Your Team Even Though They Are Working Remotely

Remote work has become a normal practice for millions of businesses in different industries. However, the whole process can be tiresome without the appropriate approach, as the majority of workers tend to lose productivity over time. Even though many would say that they are productive from home, after some time passes, a loss of motivation and productivity inevitably occurs. Luckily, there are steps that can be taken to ensure that your remote team is going to stay motivated.