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December 2021

4 factors that improve employee productivity during remote work

Improving employee productivity during remote work means taking measures against work from home distractions, social isolation, and many other aspects – that lead to unproductive employees. To overcome such challenges, employers need new and proactive ways to make hybrid work more easier and engaging for employees.

How to Thrive as a Remote Business?

During the pandemic many of us have become familiar with the concept of home working, but it’s few of us that work in roles that are designed to be remote. Businesses have had to adapt to this new reality where digital tools have replaced the meeting room, and while some still hold on to the idea of the traditional office space, others are leaving it all behind – especially new companies. This model of working has many perks.

11 Pro Tips For Effectively Managing Distributed Teams

Distributed teams consist of employees working remotely from different locations. And with the pandemic confining millions of employees to their homes, organizations have been compelled to embrace this work model. However, remote work is still vulnerable to cultural differences, social inclusion, and a lack of trust and communication between team members. Indeed, managing distributed teams is a pressing concern for remote managers. But, don’t worry! We’re here to help you out.

Remote Work Stipend (Meaning, Setting Up, Benefits)

Thanks to the Coronavirus pandemic, people across the globe today have warmed up to the idea of remote working and even prefer it over traditional offices. That’s why employers should seriously think about remote work stipends. Remote work stipends are fixed or varying amounts of money paid to a remote employee in addition to their basic salary for their home office setup, coworking space expenses, or paying electricity bills. These stipends are generally optional for employers.

How does knowledge management improve remote workforce efficiency?

The way of working has changed since Covid-19 has hit the world with lots of challenges. However, it has helped people to work virtually and live with limited resources. From work-life balance to cut on travel expenses, the world has learned to deal with the new normal. In a situation where humans are at risk of being in physical proximity to each other, technology has come up as a saving grace while making sure there is no challenge in remote work efficiency.

10 Critical Lessons Learned From Working From Home Experiment

Even though remote work isn’t a new idea, it’s something that most people had little experience with before 2020. Before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, only 6% of the workforce worked from home the majority of the time. And a staggering 75% never worked from home at any point in their careers. But by the height of the pandemic, more than a third of people were working from home full-time. That represents more than a fivefold increase compared to pre-pandemic levels.

30 Amazing Remote Work Articles You'll Want to Bookmark

The Covid pandemic and the subsequent lockdowns pushed businesses worldwide to adopt remote working almost overnight. Since then, the remote work or telework scenario has evolved to include new trends in remote team management, technology, and the hybrid work environment. These dynamic changes can be tough to keep up with, even for the best business leaders. Thankfully, there are many remote work articles that can help you understand all aspects of remote work.

8 Best Strategies To Improve Remote Worker Employee Experience

The Coronavirus pandemic and the resulting lockdowns have changed the world of work. Remote work is the new normal, with several employees preferring to work remotely even after the pandemic. However, creating a positive remote worker employee experience can seem challenging. But don’t worry. In this article, we’ll cover what remote employee experience is and explore eight strategies that you can use to improve it.

18 Unique Remote Employee Appreciation Gifts [2022 Edition]

With the year-end approaching and the holiday season dazzling the world, there’s no better time to show appreciation for your remote employees. Since they’re far from an office setting, it’s important to recognize and remind them that they’re an essential part of your team. But what are the best remote employee appreciation gifts? In this article, we’ll suggest the 18 best remote employee appreciation gifts ideal for year-round needs, but especially for the holidays.

2021 Remote Work Trends to Watch in 2022

With the COVID pandemic still raging in most parts of the world, it’s safe to say that remote work is here to stay. And why not? There are many attractive benefits of remote work, like reduced costs, access to a greater talent pool, greater flexibility, and more. This has led to reduced office spaces and a rise in remote job postings. So, what other trends did the remote working world see in 2021?

The Top Remote Work Stats of 2021 to Watch in 2022

2021 was largely about working remotely, following a work model shift due to the COVID pandemic. Many companies that weren’t initially open to telecommuting had no choice but to adapt to the new norm, realizing later that remote work wasn’t bad, after all. So, is remote work here to stay? In this article, we’ll discover some of the key remote work stats 2021 that employers and employees need to take note of.

11 Practical Tips for Onboarding and Training Remote Employees

The dynamic nature of the workplace has seen some incredible changes in the past couple of years with the rise of remote teams. Given that 83 percent of employers have reported a successful shift to remote work, it is highly likely that we will see a major shift towards remote teams in the future. As we see the growing trend of shifting to remote work, what will this mean for onboarding and training? Before we get into this, we need to look at the importance of employee onboarding.

5 Ways to Progressively Engage Remote Employees to Encourage Value and Connection

We know about the “new normal” and “new ways of working” because of the COVID-19 pandemic. For numerous companies, the pandemic shifted the workforce to remote, even if it was temporary. However, more companies are now hiring fully-remote employees even if a large portion of their workforce will return to the office. At the same time, other companies have implemented a hybrid or fully-remote workforce.

How To Get Rid of Distractions While Working from Home | Apploye

Minimizing distractions when working from home is an ongoing battle. We show you how to get rid of the mental clutter and retain your focus. Working from home poses a myriad of challenges, but distractions are perhaps one of the biggest that we constantly need to overcome. Whether it's other people, children, that load of laundry that needs doing, or simply trying to adapt to the work/life balance in the home environment, there are so many ways our attention is diverted.

The Key to a Successful Digital Transformation in the Work From Home Era

Regardless of the type of business you're talking about, organizations invest in digital transformation for a myriad of different reasons. Some turn to the power of modern technology to improve efficiency - empowering employees to communicate from department to department easier than ever before. Others want to guarantee that data can flow freely across the enterprise, making sure that the critical information that people need to do their jobs is always in the right hands.