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The latest News and Information on Collaboration, tools and related technologies.

Top 4 Skills to Look Out for in DevOps Engineers

Finding the right DevOps talent to accomplish a seemingly endless series of complex technical tasks has become a top priority for organisations. As businesses strive to increase agility and scalability with the use of enterprise-grade cloud architecture, adopting practices like continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) become highly sought-after.

Story points: Estimation guide for user stories in Agile

Story points are an estimation technique used in Agile project management methodologies to help your team scope the effort required to complete a task. Story points account for factors like task complexity and uncertainty, which makes them more accurate than other estimation techniques such as time-based estimation. Estimating story points may sound complicated, but we’ve got you covered—we’ve broken down the process into six simple steps.

New in Basecamp: Easier Edits

We're making Basecamp better! It's now easier to make quick edits. Before, editing titles or renaming tools in a Basecamp project took multiple steps, taking you to a different page, and then back again. We made it easier! Now, you can rename projects, tools, documents, messages and more without ever leaving the page. Simply click and make your changes.

Write better AI prompts: A 4-sentence framework

For non-developers, AI can seem like a black box. The concept of AI prompting sends a chill down our spines, especially when we’re bombarded with complicated examples and techniques. Multi-agent prompting? Prompt chaining? ReAct prompting? Sounds too much like the CompSci 101 course we failed in college. But according to Ethan DeWaal, Asana’s AI Program Manager, AI prompting doesn’t have to be complicated.

Product Roundup: What's new in Rocket.Chat 6.8

Accessibility is not just a mere add-on, but a defining facet of Rocket.Chat. In order to ensure no one is left behind in the digital dialogue, we’ve made our platform easier to use and more accessible in this latest version. We firmly believe that communication shouldn't discriminate; it should be made accessible to everyone, taking into account differing technical competencies and physical capabilities. As we move into the second quarter of the year, we keep up the pace.

What is content marketing? A complete guide

When brands produce great content, their audience keeps coming back for more. In this article, learn how to create a successful content marketing strategy that keeps your audience engaged. Content marketing isn’t just nice to have—it’s a necessity. Ninety percent of marketers incorporate content into their strategy, and that number is growing. Research projects that the content marketing industry will be worth $600 billion in 2024, a significant uptick from previous years.

How to find alignment on AI

AI’s starring role in workplace transformation is now undeniable. CEOs everywhere are asking senior leaders to create strategies for maximum AI impact, while frontline managers and their teams must navigate rolling out this new reality. AI feels like an imperative within all corners of the org chart. Eager to dig deeper, we turned to the latest research from Asana’s Work Innovation Lab, a think tank developing human-centered, cutting-edge research to help businesses evolve.