Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management

July 2023

The 6 Types of Meetings You Should be Conducting

Professionals dread meetings, primarily because so many are poorly planned, over-long events that could have been covered in a brief email. However, meetings can still be an effective way to share vital information and give teams the necessary direction on projects and tasks. The key to success is understanding meeting types and how to choose the right option to achieve your goals. In the following guide, we’ll take you through six of the most common types of company meetings.

Messaging Layer Security - How secure communication is evolving

The rise in data breaches and cyber threats has made organizations increasingly aware of the need for more secure communication. With traditional communication methods such as regular cell service, email, instant messaging, or social media leaving sensitive information vulnerable, organizations want solutions that make privacy and security their prime concern. End-to-end encryption offers a solution to this growing concern.

The Wrap-Up: 4 key takeaways from the 'Capacity Management: How To Do Time Tracking Your Team Won't Hate' webinar

Our regular webinar viewers will know we’ve been leaning into the topic of “time” for some time now. We’ve looked at how time impacts everything from an agency’s pricing strategy, to workplace culture, and everything in between. In this month’s webinar, we went back to basics to focus on what is possibly the biggest time-related challenge facing agency leaders today: getting staff to actually track their time in the first place!

How agencies can leverage AI for project management

A decade ago, if you asked an agency owner how they managed their projects, the answer would have been one of two things: a whiteboard with sticky notes, or a complicated Excel spreadsheet. Today, thanks to technological advancements, artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the project management space by offering agencies a more streamlined approach.

The Top 11 Employee Incentives: How to Motivate Your Team with Rewards and Benefits

Do you ever feel like you’re stuck in a never-ending cycle of trying to motivate your team without much success? If the answer is a very tired: yes! Then, read on as in this blog post, we will breach the TOP Employee Incentives to Motivate Your Team with Rewards and Benefits! Employee incentives are becoming increasingly popular in the business world as a way to motivate employees and improve productivity.

Supercharge Your Workflow: 7 Time-Saving ChatGPT Productivity Hacks

The world has started acquiring and adapting to the technology of automation of work processes and workflow optimization at an exponential rate to improve productivity and quality of work. People of diverse fields and job profiles, such as medicine, healthcare, science and technology, SaaS content marketing, finance, content developers, digital marketers, and others, are inclined to use AI technology, as it eases the complexity of gathering information from various internet sources.

Streamlining Employee Attendance with Modern Attendance Tracking Solutions

Nowadays, for any organization, tracking employee attendance is crucial for maintaining productivity, ensuring compliance, and fostering a positive work culture. Moreover, in today’s digital age, businesses are embracing modern attendance tracking solutions that offer efficiency, accuracy, and convenience. This article explores the significance of tracking and the benefits of adopting advanced tools to streamline employee attendance.

How to ace stakeholder management (and deliver more winning projects)

Nailing Jell-O to a wall. Playing telephone… You’ve probably heard these sayings before. But if you’ve ever been tasked with leading stakeholder management for a project, you know those phrases are more than just funny idioms — in most cases, they adequately describe the headache-inducing process of managing your stakeholders.

What's New: What we launched in July 2023

In July we released a host of updates to help you and your teams innovate from one visual workspace. This includes new product development features, dashboard user interface improvements, and a new way to connect Miro across your Google Workspace. We’ve also made a number of enhancements to accessibility such as the ability to add alt text to images and color contrast enhancements for improved visibility. Keep reading to get all the details!