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Hybrid Work

Hybrid is breeding a divided workforce-stay connected with a shared digital workspace

As we shift into a new world of hybrid work another glaring trend is emerging: the workforce is more divided than ever. Today, people work in silos, ideas get lost in separate tools, and isolated teams lead to disengagement, work waste, and slowed progress. Among employees who self-identify as disengaged, 75% are actively looking for new work. The reality is, we have a digital economy, which requires a new way of working that is digital first, multi-team and multi-location.

Asynchronous Work: How to Keep Your Remote and Hybrid Employees Engaged

Asynchronous work has become increasingly popular recently, as it offers several benefits for employees and employers. For employees, asynchronous work improves work/life balance and allows greater flexibility in when and where work is performed. For employers, asynchronous work can help to reduce costs and increase productivity. As a result, many businesses are now offering hybrid working arrangements, allowing employees to work remotely and in the office.

Connected and Aligned: Your Hybrid Team in Miro | Miro Next

In this never-before-seen session, we’ll get practical with best practices for distributed and hybrid work, learn to use Miro features and skills to include all voices in collaborative work and create a one stop Miro board for teams to gather information, share resources, and align expeditiously on what’s most important.

Connected and Aligned: Your Hybrid Team in Miro | Miro Next

In this never-before-seen session, we’ll get practical with best practices for distributed and hybrid work, learn to use Miro features and skills to include all voices in collaborative work and create a one stop Miro board for teams to gather information, share resources, and align expeditiously on what’s most important.

Smarter Capacity Management for Hybrid Working Environments

With the help of remote employee monitoring software, organizations are more equipped to better manage their resources: time, tech, and people. Remote employee monitoring software isn’t just for managing remote and hybrid teams, it can also provide valuable insight into how your organization uses its resources, and how they can be better allocated, leveraged, and managed.

Hybrid Work Productivity: 5 Metrics You Should Track

Our ways of working have significantly changed over the last few decades, more so in the last 18 months or so. Many companies were forced to allow their staff to work from home. Now things seem to have calmed down, many companies have decided that working from home some of the time is manageable. That is leading to an increasingly hybrid workplace. The hybrid model is very popular with remote workers.

Use these essential tools to streamline hybrid communication

To build relationships at work that, well, work, communication is crucial, especially now that hybrid work is on the rise. With the majority of global knowledge workers spending a mix of time in the office and remote, according to the Future Forum’s pulse study, the challenges of workplace communication are also growing. Information overload, digital distraction, knowledge silos, and overlapping communication tools can hinder collaboration.

Creating A Hybrid Workspace Strategy

The global pandemic has opened up the door to challenges in many workplace environments. But with challenges also come opportunities. Many companies have had to create hybrid workplace plans to ensure work productivity doesn’t slow down. The development of the hybrid workplace strategy is a win-win for employees and businesses. This strategy offers the flexibility of working from home or the option of working on-site if the employee needs focus and a routine.

CIO Classified: Helping employees thrive in the hybrid workplace

With technological innovation accelerating faster than ever—and the pandemic entering a new phase—CIOs have never faced more uncertainty and complexity. That’s why we’ve partnered with Caspian Studios to sponsor Season 3 of the CIO Classified podcast. CIO Classified is a podcast for CIOs, decision-makers, and technology leaders that want to push their business forward and stay on the cutting edge.