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Hybrid Work

Work from office vs. Work from home vs. Hybrid: What's Best for Your Workforce?

In today’s rapidly changing world of technology, employers are facing more challenges than ever to keep up with the demands of their consumers and employees. One of these challenges involves understanding which working conditions best suit the software developers and how to manage them accordingly.

Five Ways Your Company Can Benefit From Hybrid Meeting Solutions

In an era where people are more connected than ever, the need for face-to-face meetings has increased. But with the increase of global workforce and remote teams, it is often difficult to find a time when everyone can be in the same place at the same time. This is where hybrid meeting solutions come in.

Webinar recap: Agile amplified for hybrid teams

The pandemic has forever altered ways of working for many, and organizations continue to adapt to this new normal. For product leaders, this means continuing to develop innovations at lightning speed while also navigating the needs of hybrid teams. Better yet, leaders need a clear understanding of the current hybrid landscape — including the top weaknesses and gaps in existing processes, and best ways to turn talk into action. The good news? Miro is here to help.

10 Platforms for Communication Competence in a Hybrid Work Model

Hybrid work has become commonplace in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic. Teams who once had a fine-tuned rhythm for managing projects were suddenly forced to learn how to work together from miles apart. Although communication tools have made remote work much more efficient, it hasn’t been without its hiccups.

10 Key Benefits of a Hybrid Work Model Employers Should Know

Since the Coronavirus pandemic, new work arrangements like the hybrid work model have become increasingly popular. It ushered in increased productivity and flexibility – a win-win for both employers and employees. As a result, most companies, including giant enterprises like Microsoft, continue with these flexible work models. If you’re looking to implement a hybrid work model and want to know if the benefits outweigh the drawbacks, you’ve come to the right place.

Digital Dexterity Enhances Remote and Hybrid Work

The leap to remote work happened nearly overnight with the pandemic, and it’s clear that hybrid work and digital dexterity is the way of the future. As a result of this shift in the way we work, companies have invested in new technologies to adapt to the growing remote world, with 69% of companies planning to increase their investment in digital tools even more in 2022. Additionally, over 90% of businesses strive to implement hybrid work environments.

10 Hybrid Work Model Best Practices for your Business

Hybrid work is an ecosystem where employees can work from their home office, in a physical office, and in coworking workspaces. It’s a work model that follows a people-first approach to managing the workforce. Hybrid work is said to increase employee productivity while addressing the challenges of remote work like isolation and lack of community. However, hybrid work can take many forms and needs to be optimized to achieve maximum productivity.

Hybrid Work Schedule: 2 Models That Work (+ 5 Best Practices)

The Covid-19 pandemic saw employees enjoy the flexibility of remote work, with many reluctant to return to full-time on-site work modes. However, not all work can be done remotely. Fortunately, you can have the best of both with hybrid work schedules! A hybrid work schedule combines on-site and remote work modes. It lowers infrastructural costs, reduces absenteeism, and increases employee engagement — ultimately boosting your company’s productivity.

5 things C-suite leaders need to understand to optimize hybrid collaboration

Hybrid collaboration is complex. It’s not just about “in the office” or “not in the office” — it’s also about leadership, connection, creativity, and the technology that enables your teams to adapt. Over 77% of companies have adopted a hybrid work model, but how can executive leadership optimize it for their teams? Here’s some of the lessons we’ve learned to help leaders cultivate hybrid collaboration.

What makes a successful agile team in a hybrid world

To meet the challenges of the future, businesses have to stay agile. Perhaps it’s unsurprising, then, that in 2020—one of the most challenging years on record—businesses with agile practices outperformed non-agile teams on almost every dimension that matters. Agile organizations saw greater customer satisfaction, employee engagement, and operational performance than their competitors.