Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management

August 2023

13 best clock-in clock-out systems (manual & automated)

No matter where your team works, tracking employee time is crucial for managing costs and planning projects. If you’re exploring a new work model or growing your team, it’s worth rethinking your time tracking system or implementing one for the first time. But if you’ve tested time clock systems before, you may have discovered a few disadvantages, such as: So, what’s the most reliable method for your business structure and work model?

Why Using Time Tracking Apps Is the Answer to Your Productivity Issues?

Here’s a simple question: How did you spend your last 24 hours? Make a list of all the things you did. Did you make the best use of your time? Reflecting on the activities you just listed, did you make the most of your day and progress toward your goals? If the answer is no, is this because you didn’t feel too productive to meet your goals? Did you procrastinate to the point that it was difficult for you to go back and focus on your tasks?

What is professional services automation? Here's what to know

Successful project management and service delivery require efficient coordination of resources and processes. But let's be real here: Coordinating a complex web of tasks across different teams and departments can be overwhelming. Between staffing, budgeting, resource utilization, and billing, you can spend more time on administrative tasks than actually serving your customers. This can seriously hurt your bottom line and damage your reputation. But don't worry.

Are You an Underdog in Business? We Want to Hear from You!

In this episode of Rework, host Kimberly Rhodes sits down with 37signals founders Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson to hear about the company's fondness for underdogs – small businesses that are scrappy, do more with less, and use creativity over big budgets. If this sounds like you, we'd love to hear from you and just might have you on an episode of Rework to share your story. Plus, the lucky winner will get one year of Basecamp Pro Unlimited on us!

Digital Workplace vs Digital Workspace: How are they related?

Organizations have no way to go but forward. Teams, both high and low, are now turning to digital solutions to manage workplace challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic has expedited digitalization for organizations worldwide. However, despite the unforeseen challenges, digital transformation in the workplace has proven to improve administration, governance, and even workplace culture. Shifting to technology has been a learning curve for most companies.

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Slack Workflows: How To Streamline Team Communication & Collaboration

Slack workflows can play a pivotal role in automating aspects of your operations. At the core of operational excellence is an unwavering commitment to efficiency. Leveraging Slack workflows is an easy way to bake efficiency into your workflow processes. If you are looking to begin embracing automation and don't know where to start, examining your existing technology stack is the best place to begin. As of 2023, Slack has an impressive 20 million active users.

10 Essential Time Management Tools Every Finance Manager Needs

Are you tired of spending countless hours juggling tasks? Feeling overwhelmed by your ever-growing to-do list? If yes, then you’re not alone This statistic is an eye-opener for finance managers to manage their time and boost productivity proactively. However, there’s good news on the horizon. The rapidly evolving technology landscape has brought forth various innovative tools tailored specifically for finance managers to conquer time-related challenges.

How one team in Atlassian uses Jira Product Discovery: Part 2 - Prioritisation | Atlassian

Note: this video is the second in a series of videos. They are best watched in order. In this video, Edmund Munday, Senior Product Manager for Bitbucket walks through how his team prioritises ideas in a number of ways. More specifically how Jira Product Discovery: Provides a single source of truth for each project, at all stages of the product development cycle. Helps to find the perfect balance between accuracy and efficiency when scoring potential work in terms of things like effort, value, reach, etc.

Unlocking efficiency: Proven tips for professional services billing

Accurate, streamlined billing processes are absolutely essential for professional service providers. It’s how your business generates revenue, tracks payments, and maintains cash flow. But too often, businesses rely on manual processes that are time-consuming, prone to errors, and difficult to keep up with, risking unbilled hours, frustrated clients, and decreased profit margins.

Me, we, & world dimensions of employee experience with Nell Derick Debevoise

This episode features an interview with Nell Derick Debevoise, Founder of 3D Performance. In this episode, Amanda sits down with Nell to discuss purposeful leadership, implementing a growth mindset, and the Me, We, and World dimensions of employee experience.