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May 2024

Lead Time Explained: What It Means For Your Business

In a perfect situation, things would happen right away when you want them to. But you know that it does not work like that in real life. You will always have a delay – going from the start to the end takes effort and, most importantly, time. To plan anything well—whether it’s a project or a process for making something—you need to understand how long it takes to go from beginning to end. That period of time is called the lead time.

How Data-Driven Insights Boost Team Output by 30%

As HR managers and CEOs, there is constant pressure to maximize your team’s performance. We are all looking for the magic solution that leads to higher productivity, happy employees, and a healthy organizational environment. But what if there was a data-driven method that could increase team productivity by 30%? Let’s think about a workplace environment in which the team can define problems, improve workflows, and make choices backed by reliable data.

Project Cost Estimation: A Guide to Quoting Profitable Projects

Ever wonder why some of your projects easily meet your target profit margins while others don’t even come close? You might be struggling with accurate cost estimates. They’re the foundation for setting realistic budgets, avoiding costly overruns, and ensuring your projects stay on track financially.

Why remote work and hiring offshore talent are crucial in today's business landscape

The next global economic crisis might not result from a pandemic or conflict but from a lack of qualified employees across various sectors. In many regions, more people are leaving the workforce than entering it, creating a significant gap in the talent pool. This trend presents a challenge for companies trying to fill these roles. The company is only as strong as its talent.

Overtime epidemic in UK workplaces: How unpaid hours hurt employees and businesses

The UK workforce is grappling with an overtime epidemic and unpaid overtime, which affects the welfare of employees and the prosperity of companies. A recent survey by Protime UK clearly demonstrates the severity of this issue and its impact on employee happiness and corporate performance.

Get started in the Miroverse: Here are our most popular templates

The options for what you can create in Miro are nearly limitless. Wondering where to get started? We’ve rounded up 10 of our best and most popular Miro templates along with related Miro board examples from our community templates gallery, Miroverse. Check out these templates and examples to see how our users treat templates as launch pads for their own creative, unique, and customized boards.

Call Centre Screen Monitoring - What are the Use Cases and Benefits You Need to Know

Data-intensive BPO operations are at the center of attacks and need strong security measures to identify and prevent threats before they cause damage. An IBM Data Breach Report 2024 reveals that organizations suffer an average data breach cost of USD 5.36M in the absence of a robust security system in place. Growing breach instances and regulatory costs indicate an urgent need for effective BPO security to control data privacy and ensure workplace compliance.

A Comprehensive Guide on Hierarchy Management System

A firm with a large workforce runs its business in a hierarchical structure. It is based on a multi-layered hierarchy within the organization within which multiple levels of management are connected through a chain of command. The number of levels in an organization grows as it expands, and the structure becomes taller. However, managing each level is quite a task, and so is why investing in the hierarchy management system is a wise decision.