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Overview on Compliance Management System Software

According to the report by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, companies that adopted proactive data monitoring had a 54 percent reduction in loss. Similarly, management reviews and whistle-blower hotlines cut losses in half and cut detection time in half. Similarly, Refinitiv’s Global Risk and Compliance Report 2021 says that around 86% of companies adopting digital technologies with compliance regulatory systems helped in identifying financial crime.

What is a HIPAA Risk Assessment and is it Important?

If your business operates in the healthcare industry, then you need to be up to speed with the ins and outs of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or HIPAA for short. For your information, some team chat apps are also employed with HIPAA standards to protect the business data. Like many pieces of legislation, this act requires compliance from organizations in a given sector in order to provide benefits to service users and customers.

How Courier Became SOC 2 Type 2 Compliant

The consumerization of SaaS has resulted in a massive handling of PII (personally identifiable information) over recent years. The security and protection of said PII has therefore become central to the foundation of a quality SaaS product, and Courier is no different. In a world where there seems to be a new data breach every time we look, users continuously demand transparency into how their data will be handled.

3 Ways Businesses can Navigate Remote Work Compliance Correctly

In these changing times, the necessity for remote work has grown quickly. That exigency is unlikely to fade away immediately. Maybe it won’t go away at all for many businesses. Even before this shift, there was a growing appreciation of the possibilities that remote work solutions presented. Virtual interactions were becoming more seamless because of technological advances. Prospective employers were profiting from the diminished significance of location in talent management.

5 ways to make your software HIPAA compliant

HIPAA compliance is a must-have for healthcare-related organizations and their vendors. To do business in a secure manner and minimize the risk of exposing patients’ personal information, healthcare providers, insurance companies, and Health Tech organizations are looking to use software that ensures they adhere to HIPAA guidelines. In this article, we bring you the checklist to make sure your software is HIPAA compliant as well as actions to undertake to comply with HIPAA.

3 reasons why you need HIPAA-compliant chat

Healthcare institutions are increasingly looking for technological solutions to help them improve the patient experience. However, they still have to stay compliant with the most important data privacy regulation in the healthcare industry, HIPAA. Since live chat has become the new standard of patient communication, companies are investing in HIPAA-compliant chats.

Implications of MAS, ACRA, and SGX Guidelines on AGMs

Over the past two years, Singapore has been introducing new regulations that guide companies in managing the welfare of boards and shareholders for annual general meetings to facilitate businesses and organisations in making alternative arrangements in light of safe distancing measures brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.

A Definitive Guide to Call Center Compliance

From PCI DSS to HIPAA, call centers operate under several laws that help protect sensitive data captured during customer interactions. Call center compliance refers to the systematic process of abiding by these laws and regulations during daily operations. However, adhering to these laws can be challenging without the right knowledge and strategy. In this article, we’ll share five common call center compliance regulations and five smart tips to improve compliance at your center.

Top 10 Call Center Compliance Issues (With Useful Tips)

Regulatory compliance in call centers helps prevent unethical business practices and promotes a better customer experience. However, as call centers are subject to several regulations, it can be challenging to stay updated on each, resulting in call center compliance issues. In this article, we’ll explore 10 common call center compliance issues and why staying compliant is important. We’ll also highlight four useful tips to keep your business compliant.