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What is API Integration? Understanding the Essentials

Welcome to Vivantio’s guide on API integration, where we will uncover the essentials of this powerful technology and how it can transform the way you automate your business processes, streamline your enterprise workflows, and enhance productivity. The seamless exchange of data and functionality between software applications and systems is paramount for efficient operations. This is where API integration and API management plays a pivotal role.

8 best chat SDK and APIs to build great messaging experiences

Nowadays, where instant satisfaction and real-time communication are necessary, companies and individuals are always looking for new and creative methods to interact with their audience. This is where Chat SDKs (software development kits) come into play. With these tools and resources, developers may easily design dynamic, connection-focused chat functionality in their applications.

10 best instant messaging SDKs and real-time chat APIs in 2024

For businesses all throughout the world, fast and secure communication is fundamental. With over 3.21 billion active users engaging in over-the-top messaging apps daily, the significance of real-time chat solutions continues to surge. In this scenario, leveraging real-time chat APIs and instant messaging SDKs has become critical. These technologies provide a streamlined method of communication, whether it is for smooth customer service or internal cooperation.

Best Practices for SMS Tools and Text Message API Implementation

Once upon a time, SMS was the crowning achievement of communications technology. It combined email’s asynchronous archive of messages with a portable device, allowing anyone to send and receive information anywhere they were. Today, widespread mobile internet access has somewhat eclipsed the main functionality of SMS, but it remains a dominant form for communication in many markets and in particular business cases.

How to Use a Push API to Send Notifications from your Mobile App

Perhaps because we are constantly swamped with push notifications, they can go overlooked as a messaging category. They are nevertheless an important medium of modern communication, and a more diverse one than you might think. Push notifications initialize interactions between a recipient and a sender, in an era of communication where response times are measured in seconds. Such high-frequency information requires effective distillation to remain efficient and to avoid flooding recipients with noise.

How to Choose the Right SMS API for Your Project

SMS is the most reliable and highly-read notification channel, making it a popular choice for developers who want their systems to send notifications to their users. If you’ve got an application that needs to send out short, important, time-sensitive messages, you should consider integrating an SMS API into your system to help you handle this. In this article, we explain how to choose the right SMS API provider for your needs.

Top 7 Push Notification APIs

Most people who interact regularly with smartphones and tablets are familiar with what a push notification is. They want their calendar application to post an alert to their mobile or desktop interface, for example, whether or not they have the app open or their screen locked. If they want to change when, how, or if they receive notifications at all, they simply adjust those in the application settings. For app developers, push notifications are a great way to keep users engaged with a product.

8 chat APIs with supreme messaging capabilities

Chat APIs are integral solutions for contemporary organizations that value seamless workflows and high productivity. Since nowadays emails no longer dominate as the preferred channel of corporate conversations, agile businesses are seeking more immediate, secure, and scalable solutions. Chat is one such solution. In essence, chat APIs allow the seamless transport of data between chat and other tools. They also speed up operations and allow teams to connect and collaborate in contextual settings.