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What is Device Management in IoT? A Comprehensive Guide for MSPs

Step into the Internet of Things (IoT), where seamless connectivity and real-time data sharing transform modern operations. As Managed Service Providers (MSPs) increasingly navigate this landscape, the efficient management of IoT devices emerges as a pivotal task within their repertoire. From orchestrating initial deployment to overseeing ongoing monitoring and end-of-life management, IoT device management becomes paramount for MSPs aiming to deliver seamless IoT services.

What's new in Zendesk Workforce Management (WFM)

Last year, Zendesk acquired Tymeshift, which has now officially been rebranded as Zendesk Workforce Management (WFM). Zendesk WFM is the most efficient solution for agent management within Zendesk, leveraging AI to predict staffing needs with precision, automating agent scheduling based on these projects and providing insightful real-time and historical analytics on team performance.

Transforming Customer Support with a User-Friendly Ticketing System

In the fall of 2020, POMS Corp., a leader in the manufacturing industry, decided that enough was enough. For years, the POMS support team had battled a ticketing system that seemed to create more problems than it solved. Support requests were frequently buried and lost, only to resurface too late. Some tickets were even left unanswered, leading to unsatisfied customers and frustrated team members.

Employee Onboarding Automation: How to Set up an HR Workflow

Remember to look for the built-in HR workflow!. Human Resources automation takes various forms, one of them being employee onboarding. It makes sense: the onboarding process is critical in any employee's lifecycle, and in fact, 93% of new hires say that their onboarding process determines whether they will stay at the company. Employee onboarding automation is a clever way to speed up the process and improve employee experience while using fewer resources.

Using AI for better customer and agent experiences with Upwork | Conversations with Zendesk podcast

On this episode of Conversations with Zendesk, we’re joined by Brent Pliskow, General Manager and Vice President of Customer Support at Upwork. Brent shares his expertise in integrating AI with human-driven customer service to elevate both customer and agent experiences.

Enhancing Customer Support in Software with Live Chat Integration

In the digital age, where instant gratification is the norm, immediate responses to customer inquiries can make or break a brand's reputation. This rings especially true for software companies. Jackrabbit Technologies, an online class management software provider catering to children's activity centers, learned this firsthand. Before their partnership with TeamSupport began in 2011, Jackrabbit relied solely on emails to handle customer support.

Enterprise Service Management Software for MSPs: Outgrow All-in-One

In the dynamic landscape of managed IT services, staying ahead requires constant innovation and optimization. Managed service providers (MSPs) face the unique challenge of delivering exceptional service to a diverse client base while streamlining internal operations for maximum efficiency. This is where Enterprise Service Management (ESM) software comes into play.