Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management

March 2022

Future-proofing your customer experience with asynchronous messaging

In a recent study commissioned by Zendesk, just 39% of customer service agents said they were confident they could respond to customers in a conversational, convenient way. And only 32% said they could effectively manage and monitor customer requests during the working day. Both of these findings reveal powerful truths. Customer service staff often feel overwhelmed, particularly when they have to respond to everything quickly.

Creating an effective customer journey to reduce customer churn

Acquiring and retaining new customers is a big challenge for companies across all sectors. Customers quitting your brand and departing unexpectedly are every managers’ worst nightmare. Companies may proactively take action to persuade customers to stay by knowing what they want and recognizing tell-tale signals of upcoming churn. The journey mapping will make you discover issues and problems related to your company procedure due to which churn rate occurs.

The role of Workforce Management in building future-ready support

2 years into the pandemic, the business landscape has changed with the speed of light. While 74% of professionals expect remote work to become standard, managing a distributed workforce has its unique challenges. Overseeing disjointed teams and handling resource crunch has led to fragmented data, frustrated agents, and poor customer experience. This has made companies ask themselves whether they are ready for the future of work?

The 15 Best Customer Experience (CX) Tools for 2022

How do your customers really regard their experience with your brand when they use your companies’ products or services? Customer experience (CX) relates to just this. Spanning the entire relationship that a customer has with a company, CX encompasses each and every touchpoint – from in-store to online shopping, browsing a website, and interacting with customer support teams.

Customer Support: Definition, Importance and 6 Key Strategies

Many of us have experience interacting with customer support agents in various contexts, from streaming service subscriptions and car rental bookings, to online clothing purchases. For businesses worldwide, offering timely support across multiple channels and touchpoints is critical in today’s highly competitive and digital-first world. A strong customer experience strategy is a defining feature that sets companies apart – yet what do customer service and customer support truly mean?

Kickstarting your customer experience program

If you’re not yet focusing on the customer experience with your organization, it’s time to get started and kick it into high gear. Customer expectations are higher than ever and evolving. You’ve got to get ahead of that. There are often challenges to getting a customer experience program off the ground in any organization, so let’s overcome those and get moving.