Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management

November 2023

Discover the causes of Boreout Syndrome

Boreout Syndrome, though less commonly known than its counterpart, burnout, is a condition that can severely impact individuals in the workplace. This syndrome occurs when employees experience a lack of stimulating and challenging tasks, leading to feelings of underutilization, boredom, and decreased motivation. Boreout Syndrome can have significant consequences on mental and physical health, career development, and workplace satisfaction.

InvGate Service Desk And Jira Integration: Add a Help Desk to Project Management and Software Development

If your organization already uses Jira for software development or project tracking but lacks a service desk, then this is perfect to have the best of both worlds. The InvGate Service Desk and Jira integration allows you to add a help desk to your Project Management and software development tools in just a few clicks.

December 2023 Version Update: Year-End Recap

In December, we’re focusing diligently on technical improvements to further enhance Scoro’s overall performance. With this, we’re getting ready to wrap up 2023 and one thing’s for sure – Scoro is ending the year bigger and better, with a host of new capabilities. We’ve put together a year-end list of key improvements for a quick look back. Are you already making the most out of these updates?
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Workflows in Education: How To Leverage Workflow Automation

Every school encounters a wide range of administrative tasks. Workflow automation software is revolutionizing education by easing the burden of these duties. From managing admissions and scheduling classes to tracking student performance and coordinating events, the list is exhaustive. These crucial responsibilities can distract educators from their primary role: teaching. Imagine an environment free from piled-up paperwork, where schedules update themselves, and notifications arrive autonomously.This isn't a far-fetched dream.

Exoprise Digital Workplace Insight 2023

In the constantly shifting sands of the IT landscape, keeping pace with the rapid technological advancements and fluctuating economic conditions is a challenge that IT professionals face daily. The Exoprise Digital Workplace Insight 2023 Survey provides a crucial barometer for these changes, offering a comprehensive view of the industry through the lens of those who navigate its complexities every day.

Network Overhead, Latency with Secure Access Service Edge (SASE)

Digital Experience Monitoring (DEM) has become an area of focus for Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) vendors. As businesses adopt SASE or security-as-a-service technology for compliance and security, they must consider the overall employee digital experience. SASE architectures add network overhead and impact performance, response times, and latency. In this article, we will delve into.

Marketing project management: How to structure your strategy

Marketing project management is a methodology used to keep marketing campaigns on track and stakeholders informed throughout the project lifecycle. It provides clarity among teams, keeps your projects within scope, and helps team members meet customer needs. In this piece, we’ll discuss the challenges of marketing campaigns and explain how marketing project management can help you succeed.

Remote Work's Achilles Heel: Employee Behavior and Its Impact on Cybersecurity

Uncover the hidden dangers of remote work as we delve into employee behavior and its impact on cybersecurity. Learn about the common pitfalls and how to implement best practices to keep your company's data secure. Equip your remote teams with Insightful to maintain a safe and efficient work environment.

Enhance Project Management with Insightful-Zoho Bug Tracker Integration

Harness the power of Zoho time tracking integration with Insightful. Our detailed article unveils how to streamline your workflows and augment team efficiency. Delve in for pivotal strategies to transform your project management approach with time reports for Zoho.

Zendesk CEO Tom Eggemeier: "There's going to be a huge evolution over the next five years [with AI]"

😯 "I think there's going to be a huge evolution over the next five years." 💡 At the @axios #AI+ Summit, Zendesk CEO Tom Eggemeier acknowledged the challenges with building confidence in #ArtificialIntelligence but argued that those fears will soon be dispelled. Zendesk makes customer service better. We build software to meet customer needs, set your team up for success, and keep your business in sync.