Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management

November 2023

The essential guide to project integration management

Every project is a little bit different, each with its own unique set of objectives and desired outputs. Each may also see your agency working with several different departments and points of contact as you develop the final deliverable. It’s working with those different parties that makes project integration management necessary. Without this type of management, it can be difficult to ensure that all teams communicate well and that processes flow as they should be.

5 ways to increase citizen engagement

Citizen engagement sounds familiar yet elusive. It’s not a wonder since it includes different methods, examples, and actions. Since every country has a different political system, there are radically different opportunities and resources to engage citizens. Encouragingly, governments across the world are digitalizing their public services in increasing numbers.

What are SMART goals? Examples and templates

Vague goals that lack clarity are often left undone, even if they have great potential. Transform fuzzy objectives into attainable goals with the SMART goals framework. SMART is an acronym for specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound. In this article, we'll dive into why each element of the SMART goals acronym is essential and how to apply them to your own goals. Every team that’s accomplished something phenomenal first had to set goals to get there.