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Branch Office Monitoring With EUEM

The modern workforce has become increasingly remote and distributed, necessitating the need for monitoring solutions to ensure optimal performance in branch offices. Employee Experience Monitoring or Digital experience monitoring (DEM) has emerged as the critical tool for IT teams and businesses to address the challenges associated with remote work environments. This article combines two informative pieces to provide a comprehensive guide on how to monitor remote branch offices using DEM.

Best Practices to Improve Digital Experience Monitoring

Businesses need best practices and implementation strategies to improve the end-user experience for their employees. By combining synthetics and real user monitoring, IT can deliver a seamless Microsoft 365 and SaaS application experience. As work anywhere becomes a dominant reality, employee productivity and technology empowerment will be critical goals to measure. Ultimately, business leaders will need to determine key processes and workflows that need effective monitoring. Dedicating specific staff resources to digital workplace experience will impact end-user productivity.

Digital Experience Monitoring Benefits for IT Featuring Forrester

End-User Experience Management (EUEM) is evolving post-Covid-19. Businesses are now moving towards phase 4 of the Covid-19 timeline. This includes understanding remote worker behavior and preparing for the new normal. Technology and IT leaders are increasingly using data to measure the employee experience. According to Forrester, 64% of technology leaders will invest in data and analytics technology to improve remote worker experience. Employees will adopt a hybrid work approach and businesses will want to employ broader employee engagement analysis and understand why a problem is happening at remote locations. Engagement and productivity insights will be delivered via synthetic and real user monitoring for Microsoft 365, Office 365, Teams, and SaaS applications.