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8 questions we think should be answered before regulating technology

At Atlassian, we believe that the future will be led by innovation and technology. Particularly now, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, we can see just how integral the tech industry has become, interwoven into every facet of our lives. As technology becomes indispensable, it is inevitable and appropriate that governments take steps to mitigate the risk factors from this deep integration of digital technologies into our day-to-day lives. Get stories like this in your inbox

Staying GDPR compliant with Zendesk

Well, it’s finally here. Enforcement of the European Union’s new GDPR directive has officially commenced. User privacy in the internet age is an incredibly important topic that isn’t going away any time soon. At Zendesk, we’re committed to delivering products that are at the forefront of protecting our customers’ and users’ data.