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Product Release

Product Roundup: What's new in Rocket.Chat 6.4

We are thrilled to announce that Rocket.Chat 6.4 is now live! This latest version is packed with a host of exciting new features and major enhancements that we believe our users will love. But we're not stopping there. We're already hard at work on the next version of Rocket.Chat, which we believe will be even better than the last. Keep checking this space for more updates on the upcoming version.

Element Starter: open source meets on-premise collaboration

As the online communication landscape evolves, the need for a secure and private communication platform has grown exponentially. This need is what drives us. We are proud to introduce Element Starter: a brand new offering designed to provide IT administrators with a free, self-hosted, and user-friendly on-ramp to the world of secure communications and digital sovereignty. Get started by downloading Element Starter.

Preparing our customers for a new era of secure communication

For anyone new around here, we enable our customers to have true self-sovereignty over their communications through a combination of Element Server Suite (ESS) and our Element app. ESS allows our customers to own their communication platform and deploy powerful administrative tooling through our paid subscriptions. Customers host their own server(s) and customise it to suit their business needs.

Designing the journey from today into tomorrow: Introducing Miro's new visual identity system

Through user research we discovered the “M” is iconic to Miro. “M” is not just a design element; it’s a centerpiece. So, we sought to elevate it. Our goal was to ensure that the “M” logo stands as the crown jewel of our visual identity, representing the bridge that transforms potential into reality, and today’s ideas into the force of tomorrow.

Announcing Element Server Suite (23.08): the 1st edition of our new predictable release cadence

In the world of today’s technology, maintaining a competitive advantage requires us to walk a fine line between innovation and reliability. At Element, we recognize the importance of delivering cutting-edge solutions while ensuring a stable user experience. So we are thrilled to announce the introduction of a standardised schedule for releasing Element Server Suite (ESS). Doing this enables us to streamline our development process and enhance your experience with our product.

Unleashing the Power of Appreciation: Introducing Simpplr's Employee Recognition Product

Remember a time when someone at work recognized you—whether for a routine effort, a significant achievement, or simply your dedication to the organization over time? Reflect on how that recognition made you feel. That’s the feeling the best employee recognition programs spark in those they shine a light on.

Product Roundup: What's new in Rocket.Chat 6.3

With the release of Rocket.Chat SIX and Rocket.Chat 6.2, the last few quarters of the year have been phenomenal. This quarter shows no signs of slowing down — Rocket.Chat 6.3 is now live! From support for a global Matrix network search to the much-requested Outlook Calendar integration, as well as the introduction of the ChatGPT app and a new style for mentions, there is much to delve into.

A huge new update for Element Call Beta 3!

I can’t believe it but it’s been a year since we last updated you about the progress of Element Call, our Matrix-based VoIP product. We haven’t been resting on our laurels though, a huge amount of work has been going on over the last twelve months, and today we bring an absolutely massive new update in Beta 3 of Element Call.