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Employee Monitoring

Customer Service BPO Companies; Benefits, Limitations And More

“A customer service BPO (business processing outsourcer) is a company that handles incoming and outgoing customer communication for other businesses.” The fact that customer experience (CX) is the critical factor behind the growth of any business cannot be denied. Business process outsourcing (BPO) leverages the “customer satisfaction” aspect to advertise its goods and services.

11 Strategies for Helping Employees with Time Management

Time Management – Whether you are a student, or an employee, you need this skill to perfectly balance everything. Whether in study, work, or life in general, you need to effectively manage your time to achieve immense success. In this blog, we will discuss 11 Strategies for Helping Employees with Time Management. We have a lot to cover, so let’s begin without any further delays.

Managing Employee Workload in 2024: The Complete Guide

Everyone has 24 hours and the same amount of skills more or less. However, some are more successful than others. It is because of employee workload and time management expertise. In today’s digital era, no matter how much technology has made our lives easier, it has made our lives harder at work. Today’s workload or digital workload as we would like to call it is a boulder, which is squeezing us.

How DeskTrack can Enhance Team's Productivity and Efficiency

Productivity and Efficiency – the two most key elements, skills or you can say output of your staff, which ultimately lead to overall productivity boost for your company. If you want to increase these outputs, in this era of advanced technology and internet, you need to monitor your employees all the time. In this digital era, DeskTrack is a productivity monitoring software, which acts as an all-see eye for you.

9 Surprising Ways to Encourage Employees Back to the Office

The more regularity your employees show, the more work and productivity you get. However, sometimes you get the complete opposite, which is irregularity. Sometimes, even if you get your employees back to the office, they lack the motivation and enthusiasm to work. There can be various reasons behind this and it’s essential to solve this problem, especially in the digital era, where employees can easily get distracted. One solution is to use a screen tracker such as DeskTrack.

How to Monitor Employees' Computer Activity

Whether monitoring security risks or checking an employee’s use of work time, there are several reliable ways to track a team’s computer activity, including software. Choosing a tool that works for the organization requires some forethought and planning, as well as a thorough vetting process that considers company policy and culture without eroding workforce trust and the management team’s credibility.

Time Management Tools Guide: Master Your Time In 2024

Time management in the modern work environment is essential to better productivity and success. In the current digital era, using time management tools makes it easier, simpler, and user friendly. In this blog, we will learn about the best time management applications and techniques. Here, you will know how to Master Your Time in 2024: The Ultimate Guide to Time Management Tools and Techniques.

How to Find Out if an Employee Is Moonlighting

Did you know that around 45% of working Americans have a side hustle (a secondary job) that they work alongside their current job? With costs rising and many feeling underpaid, it’s become widespread for people to pursue dual employment. This practice of working two jobs concurrently is called “moonlighting.” While moonlighting can be a way for employees to earn extra income, it does pose potential risks for employers.