Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management

August 2023

How Remote Workers Spend Their Time (and What We Can Learn from It)

This blog post unravels the truths about how remote workers spend their time, differentiating myths from reality. From leveraging breaks to establishing effective work habits, learn how remote working is redefining productivity and how Insightful’s work remotely software can support your business.

Hiring a Bookkeeping Virtual Assistant: What You Need to Know

From defining virtual bookkeeping assistants to understanding their immense benefits and ways to hire and manage them, this comprehensive guide equips you with everything you need to know. Learn how Insightful's software for monitoring employees plays a critical role in facilitating this process.

Shift Your Company to a Product Mindset (Webinar Video Included)

For many businesses selling SaaS software and other modern tech solutions, the product mindset is built right into the corporate culture. But companies in older industries, such as bricks-and-mortar retail stores, have yet to embrace the product mindset – or, in many cases, even the product management role in general.

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Best Practices for SaaS and Network Incident Management

Computer and network systems have (obviously) become vital to business operations. Occasionally, there are SaaS or network incidents and these systems do not operate as needed. Enterprises want to minimize the potential damage and get their systems back online ASAP. Integrated incident management and a strong End User Experience Management (EUEM) platform that provides synthetic and real-user monitoring is a foundation for meeting that objective.

5 strategies for getting clients to pay on time

When late payments are the rule and not the exception, the stability of your agency is at risk. Find out how to maintain cash flow with our five tips for getting clients to pay on time, every time. A recent Chaser study finds that 87% of businesses report that their invoices get paid after the due date. If you don’t have a system for ensuring clients pay you on time, you’re limiting your growth and sacrificing almost half your revenue.

InvGate Service Desk-Active Directory Integration Walkthrough

If you are looking to unify User Management capabilities into your IT Service Management solution, the InvGate Service Desk and Active Directory integration will do the job. By connecting these two tools, you can centralize user accounts, automate user provisioning, and enhance security measures throughout your IT Support process. Join us as we walk step by step through the configuration process and explore how this integration can positively impact your ITSM operations.

Customer Health Metrics: Nurturing Customer Relationships

In today’s highly competitive business landscape, understanding your customers is not just beneficial—it’s critical for success. But how can businesses truly gauge the health of their customer relationships? The answer lies in leveraging data through customer health metrics. Welcome to our in-depth exploration of customer health metrics—the indicators that help businesses measure, interpret, and improve their relationships with customers.

How Remote Workers Are Outperforming and How Insightful Can Help You Achieve the Same

Remote work has become the new norm, but is it efficient? Research proves that remote employees work longer and more effectively. Learn how Insightful's virtual employee supervision software and productivity tools can help your business harness the full potential of remote work.

How to use the Pinned Tab in M-Files | The Smarter Way To Work

In this video, we'll go through what the pinned tab is all about and how to pin and unpin documents and other objects. Does your M-Files look different? - This video features the latest M-Files user interface (released in November 2022). Please note that the lessons in this video still apply. To upgrade to the new user interface, please consult your organization's M-Files Business admin to see about updating your M-Files application.