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82 % of employees are experiencing burnout

In a time when employee well-being is frequently subordinated to productivity, office burnout has become a worldwide epidemic. This growing catastrophe is brought to light by Mercer, a premier HR consulting business, in their landmark 2024 Global Talent Trends research. The report contains startling numbers that highlight the pressing need to address this widespread problem.

Investing in employee development to boost productivity

In the current dynamic business landscape, an organization’s expansion is closely connected to the development of its employees. This article examines the value of funding employee development, the kinds of initiatives that may be put in place, and the advantages that accrue to companies and their workforces. The nature of work is ever-changing, and so are the competencies needed to remain competitive.

Cultivating a productive work environment: Strategies and best practices

The productivity of people working in a space is significantly impacted by the design and overall ambiance of that space, underscoring the critical nature of cultivating a productive work environment in today’s fast-paced professional landscape. It’s imperative to craft a workspace that not only offers comfort but also enhances productivity, fostering a strong and interconnected business ecosystem.

Companies boost profits by reducing employee burnout

At a time when companies are being held increasingly responsible for the health of their employees, a groundbreaking study from Belgium shows that putting the health and happiness of employees first is not only the right thing to do but also good for business. More and more people are missing work or getting burned out because of sadness. As a result, businesses are realizing that it makes financial sense to boost mental health care.

How Multinational BPOs Are Using Insightful To Embrace Diversity & Enhance Performance

Explore the ins and outs of global collaboration in BPO firms. From cultural diversity to enhanced productivity, Insightful’s software time tracking and wfh monitoring tools can help you navigate your way through constant complex changes.

Optimize Remote Workforce Productivity

Managing a global team presents a unique set of challenges for international companies. The quest for efficiency, collaboration, and productivity across time zones is real—but it doesn't have to be a struggle. Introducing Workstatus, your ally in transforming remote workforce management from a daunting task into a streamlined, automated process. Workstatus isn't just another tool; it's a comprehensive solution designed to empower your remote operations. In this video, we delve into the features that make Workstatus stand out.

Top 10 Strategies to Improve Employee Performance in a Company

Employees are not merely the people working in the organization, but employees are the organization. Assume your brand has a great product and even great marketing, but would you be able to meet the demands without any lending hand? Even if you make the sale, would you have people deliver it physically or virtually? Even if you provide it, would you have someone to follow up and take care of after-sale customer service?