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Attendance Tracking

Free Printable Employee Attendance Calendar 2022 (Excel, PDF, Word)

You rely on your employees to deliver top-notch services and meet business objectives. Naturally, you need to account for their paid time off (or annual leave), sick leaves, and other inevitable emergencies which may cause them to skip a day of work. Tracking employee attendance and proactively monitoring their leaves can help you develop a contingency plan in their absence. This way, your business operations can continue uninterrupted.

How to Conduct Employee Attendance Evaluation (2022 Guide)

Employee attendance evaluation involves recording and analyzing employee presence to evaluate how regular and punctual they’re. With routine attendance evaluation, the supervisor can spot employee absenteeism, tardiness, and other attendance issues and create plans to address them. It also helps regulate paid time-offs and minimize payroll errors, improving your profit margins. But how do you carry out an employee attendance evaluation?

Terminating an Employee for Poor Attendance (Best Practices, FAQs)

As a business owner or manager, if an employee starts showing excessive absences and poor performance, you need to address the issue promptly and carefully. However, if there’s no improvement even after repeated warnings, the only viable option is to let the employee go. But should you be terminating an employee for poor attendance? Would it be called unfair dismissal? In this article, we’ll answer these questions.

15 Eye-Opening Employee Attendance Statistics You Must Know

Perfect employee attendance may be unattainable, but good attendance isn’t. While companies are often focused on implementing stricter policies, the following 15 employee attendance statistics will show how that tends to backfire. You’ll also learn which strategies work and how to keep them going. If your company faces attendance issues, we’ll suggest three easy ways to improve it and even recommend an amazing tool to help track employee absences.

10 Vital Employee Attendance Trends to Observe in 2022

The COVID pandemic has forever changed the way we work — and a lot for the best. While some companies struggled with employee scheduling during lockdowns, many relied on software systems offering automated employee attendance data to note absence trends. In this article, we’ll explore the previous years’ employee attendance trends, such as the reliance on timesheets and the popularity of remote work, to make calculated predictions about what you can expect in 2022.

Time Doctor 2021 Year In Review

As 2021 comes to an end, we at Time Doctor want to share our version of a Year In Review. This year has been unusual and busy, but there have also been many positives, as we continued to grow and strengthen partnerships with our customers across the globe. We’ve released some great new features and even added a new type of work insight for our customers. In case you missed anything, we’ve recapped the Top 5 Time Doctor Feature Improvements of 2021 below.

10 Powerful Daily Attendance Apps for 2021 (Features, Pricing)

Traditional attendance systems like paper or spreadsheet-based attendance templates can be time-consuming and prone to human error. Instead, it’s best to use a daily attendance app. Along with attendance tracking functionality, they offer several advanced features like time tracking, shift scheduling, and more. But with hundreds of tools available today, which one is the best for you? Let’s find out.

Cloud Based Time and Attendance System: Top 5 Tools & Benefits

It’s no secret that tracking your employees’ time and attendance can help you optimize workflows and grow your business quickly. And due to remote work, cloud-based time and attendance systems have been gaining traction. Besides offering powerful time and attendance management features, these tools are also easy to set up and maintain, making them suitable for all types of businesses and teams.

10 Excellent Time and Attendance Tracking Software

Tracking time and attendance helps you effectively manage your workforce and stay compliant with your local labor laws. However, keeping track of employees’ work hours and attendance manually is not efficient. Thankfully, time and attendance tracking software make the process more efficient, accurate, and cost-effective. If you are looking to invest in time and attendance software but are confused by the sheer amount of choices, you are in the right place.

How to Reduce Absenteeism at Your Workplace: 13 Proven Tips

Employee absenteeism refers to employees being frequently absent from work without any justified reason or prior discussion with their manager. It doesn’t count paid time off or justified absences like maternity leave. Excessive absenteeism can hurt your company’s bottom line and result in lost productivity, time, and poor employee morale. To ensure your employees follow the proper procedures and inform beforehand, you need to clearly understand the main causes of absenteeism.