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Virtual Assistants

How To Hire And Manage A Virtual Receptionist In 2021

Want to hire a virtual receptionist for your business? Most business owners find it difficult to juggle the demands of running a company while interacting with clients and responding to inquiries. So if you’re one of these individuals who don’t seem to have enough hours in the day, a virtual receptionist can help you out. In this article, we’ll explain what a virtual receptionist is and how to manage them.

Virtual Assistant China: Top Services, Tips (2021 Guide)

Want to hire a Chinese virtual assistant? From accounting and improving customer experience to data analytics and more — virtual assistants can do a wide variety of tasks. And while the process of hiring them can sound intimidating, it doesn’t have to be. All you need are clear expectations, job platforms, and a little expertise. So how do you hire a virtual assistant from China? In this article, we’ll cover what a virtual assistant is and how you can hire them.