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Project Management

The latest News and Information on Project Management, Methodologies, Productivity and Tools.

Visual project management: Tools, templates, and strategies

Visual project management allows you to see your project tasks and workload displayed in a visual format. When you can see your work, it’s easier to streamline efforts across your team, stay on track, and avoid potential bottlenecks. Often, this is done as a project timeline, calendar, or Kanban board. Learn more about the most common visual project management tools and how to use each (with examples).

Utilizing employee surveys to identify retention levers

Retaining excellent talent is just as important as attracting it in today’s competitive corporate environment. Although there are numerous ways to improve employee retention, the employee survey is one of the most useful but least-used instruments. Through direct employee feedback, firms can obtain valuable insights that lead to significant transformations. This tutorial will examine the various ways that employee surveys might improve retention.

67% of federal employees say return to office lowers productivity

The Biden administration began advocating for more regular, “meaningful” in-person work at federal agencies in April 2023. The vast telework methods that were implemented during the epidemic were significantly altered by this instruction. But after a year of this change, federal employees are starting to wonder more and more about the reasoning behind it, which is igniting discussions about whether it is really necessary or beneficial return to office settings.

Work Innovators Live: The science of tech overload

How are executives tackling the challenges of technology-induced friction in the workplace? Our esteemed panelists shared pivotal research from, "The State of Collaboration Technology" and "The State of the IT Leader" reports to discuss actionable strategies for overcoming tech overload. Gain insights that will transform how technology is leveraged within your organization, fostering a more efficient and less stressful work environment.

3 Keys to Building an Agency That Lasts w/ Matt Heinz

Just because you're a good baker, doesn't mean you can run a successful bakery. It's the same for agency life. You may be great at content marketing, branding, website development or building custom software, but none of that means you'll be great at all the things required to run an agency that delivers those services. It also doesn't mean you'll enjoy all the necessary elements of running an agency either.

5 Steps to Fix Your Agency Sales Pipeline w/ Dev Basu

Do you have less in your agency's pipeline now than you did at this point last year? If so, you're probably not alone. But, what's even better? There's something you can do about it--something that doesn't require anything spammy or even overly salesy. You can leverage what Dev Basu calls The Dead Lead Reviver.

Effective prioritization in business for sustainable growth

Establishing priorities helps businesses manage the rough waters of multiple demands from the market and internal pressures. It’s the decisive element that can drive a business into chaotic inefficiency or drive it to new heights of success. Effective prioritization is not just advantageous, but crucial in the high-stakes game of corporate expansion.

Guide to waterfall methodology: Free template and examples

Waterfall project management is a sequential project management methodology that's divided into distinct phases. Each phase begins only after the previous phase is completed. This article explains the stages of the waterfall methodology and how it can help your team achieve their goals. Project managers have many different types of project management methodologies to choose from. There's Agile project management, Kanban project management, Scrum, and many more iterative processes that you can use.

The Best Time Keeping App for freelancers: A Comprehensive Guide

As a freelancer, you know that time is money. That’s why it’s crucial to find a Time Keeping App to help you stay on track and deliver your projects on time. There are different Time Keeping Apps available, but not all are created equal. We will give insight into the most popular Time Keeping Apps for freelancers so freelancers can choose which one is right for them.

What is professional development? 5 types plus practical tips for team leaders

A lot is said about the disruptive potential of new technology like AI and remote working tools. As an organizational leader, this might have you focused on tech investments in 2024. That’s good. Keeping up with technology ensures your business can deliver what customers expect in terms of speed, service and scale. But there’s one thing you can’t afford to overlook in digital transformation: the importance of good people.