Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management

July 2021

Agile Meetings 101, How to conduct them properly

Agile meetings have two specific features that set them apart from regular meetings: they are focused on delivering value, and are strictly time-boxed. In fact, these two features make them quite productive, in contrast to most other regular meetings. These meetings are inseparable from an effective agile approach to product development. The reason is ingrained in the nature of agile approaches.

Make meetings actionable with Asana and Zoom

Video meetings are a key source of connection between team members—whether your team is remote, hybrid, or globally distributed. Yet more face time through video calls doesn’t always equal more high-impact work. In fact, our research shows that casual chats have been replaced with unnecessary meetings, costing individuals 157 hours of productivity over the past year.

6 Tips on Running a Successful One on One Meeting

There is no doubt that effective communication is the backbone of any successful organization. For effective delivery, you must ensure that your employees have a smooth and effective way of communicating with each other. That will help allow your company to work efficiently and provide quality service to your customers. Although there are many ways employees can communicate internally, organizing a one on one meeting is a great way to collaborate.